
Sunday, June 21, 2009

The start of a correction ...

Last week KLCI had started to move down substantialy from its peak. A number of investors had infact made a handsome return from this round. On average, they had made around 40% within 2 months, exited from KLCI and is holding hard cash now.
The challenge now is to spot when this correction over and how to catch the up wave again.
Some said the A(H1N1) effect is started to make significant impact to world economics already. The spread of the virus at major airports around the world constitude a decline of travellers. A friend of mine just return from USA. She is saying, the folks there just not bother about the flu thingy and it is life as usual. Having say that, I noticed that, our mainline media aspecially, Sin Chew, had been publishing the news almost daily for the past 1 months.
The regional indexes also seems heading south ... hope to be able to catch the up swing again this round ....

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